Group Therapy

«The group allows me to see myself in the other and the other in me, this reflection opens up paths in the desert»

Groups are characterized by sharing thoughts, emotions, feelings, objectives and experiences, allowing you to see from another point of view various situations with which you can feel identified, accompanied and reveal positive aspects of yourself. When problems don’t seem to be unique to your situation, the tunnel vision where you don’t see a way out decreases since you can see everything from a broader perspective and with it “options” which is a great relief. Similarly, when other people want to achieve goals similar to yours, it empowers you and you can grow more through cooperation.

As expert psychologists in group therapy, we will be happy to assist you in this encounter with the other members of the group. In group therapy we very often work in: impulse control, anxiety, stress, social skills and we hold workshops on various topics such as: self-esteem, emotional intelligence, relaxation, mindfulness or full attention among others.

Adult Groups

In adulthood, you can be involved in a varie ty of dysfunctional routines and trouble spots can arise that are often neglected by prioritizing responsibilities and neglecting yourself. Groups provide the opportunity to share your experiences removing the weight of discontent and discover new strategies with the support of others.

We have groups of 4 to 12 people, separated by age ranges: from 20 to 26 and from 27 to 35 and from 36 years on.

Adolescent Groups

We know that it is very important for you to meet people of your age and know that they can go through circumstances similar to yours – if there is as much intensity in their emotions, if they can understand you. Discovering for yourself that there are many things in common and that you can share your thoughts without fear is a very liberating experience.

We have groups of 4 to 8 people, separated by age ranges: from 13 to 14 and from 15 to 16 and from 17 to 19.

Children’s Groups

Play therapy in children’s groups is a great resource to address diverse aspects of social skills and emotional intelligence which are in full development, such as verbal and non-verbal language, self-control, fellowship, emotional discrimination, and goal attainment among others.

We have groups of 4 to 8 people, separated by age ranges: from 6 to 7 and from 8 to 9 and from 10 to 12.

Neuropsychology Groups

Taking into account the great potential that the group generates for developing neuropsychological skills, we organize small groups of people who share goals and have similar characteristics in their cognitive abilities and emotional and behavioral needs. We also have support groups for families and caregivers.

We make groups of 4 to 8 people, separated according to their skills and objectives to be achieved.

How is Group Therapy performed?

Initial Contact

From the first time we talk, either by phone or by written means, you can talk about the reason for the consultation and ask all the questions you might have about it or about us and how we work. We will be happy to answer all your concerns and know about you.

In the initial contact we will tell you if there are active groups that suit your needs and characteristics.


A good intervention depends on a good evaluation, since if we fully understand the dynamics of the situation and all the factors associated with it, the techniques will be more effective and therapy will take less time.

Before participating in group therapy, an individual session is undertaken in which we determine which are the most important characteristics of your reason for consultation to assess which group best fits your needs or whether you require another type of psychological intervention such as individual, couple or family therapy. In the case of children groups the first session would be with both parents and children. In this session in addition to evaluating the above aspects, consents and confidentiality agreements are signed.

When group sessions begin, individual aspects regarding group dynamics are also evaluated. Psychological interviews, questionnaires and tests can be conducted as well as situation records which provide valuable information.

Therapy Information

After that first individual session we comment on what is observed and determine which group is best for you if it is the case.

A very interesting aspect of group dynamics is that we are constantly reflecting on the emotions that are emerging and how they affect us, thus strengthening positive aspects and emotions and generating a pattern change for what hurts us and putting it into practice.


Group meetings are based on specific objectives for the session that derive from the needs observed in each of the participants. Said objectives are developed through therapeutic experiences that invite us to look deep inside of us and then share it, this exercise is usually very enriching. Active listening is another aspect that is worked in the group giving the possibility to put ourselves in the shoes of the other members and generate different coping options.

Children´s groups are characterized by achieving these goals through play, crafts and emotional expression all adapted to the age of the participants.

Common Reasons for Consultation

Impulse control, stress, shyness, anxiety, frustrations, social skills deficit, demotivation, frustrations, problem solving skills deficit.

BRILO Psychologists

Ambience is very important as it facilitates interaction and relaxation in therapeutic sessions. We have spaces adapted for different ages and different types of sessions, as well as access and toilets for people with reduced mobility.

We want you to feel free, confident, calm and safe from the moment you enter our Centre enabling you to take these feelings with you when you leave.

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At BRILO Psychologists
we care.

Our team of collegiate professionals with more than 10 years of experience will treat you with empathy, understanding and without judgment. We offer therapy sessions that will improve your quality of life, giving you the tools to make you personally grow and feel better about yourself.

In our centre in Benalmadena we have created a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere, with flexible schedules tailored to you. Come and meet us.

«If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go with others»

Proverbio Africano

«If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go with others»

Proverbio Africano
At BRILO Psychologists we care.

Our team of collegiate professionals with more than 10 years of experience will treat you with empathy, understanding and without judgment. We offer therapy sessions that will improve your quality of life, giving you the tools to make you personally grow and feel better about yourself.

In our centre in Benalmadena we have created a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere, with flexible schedules tailored to you. Come and meet us.


Frequently Asked Questions

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Lorem fistrum por la gloria de mi madre esse jarl aliqua llevame al sircoo. De la pradera ullamco qué dise usteer está la cosa muy malar.
Lorem fistrum por la gloria de mi madre esse jarl aliqua llevame al sircoo. De la pradera ullamco qué dise usteer está la cosa muy malar.
Lorem fistrum por la gloria de mi madre esse jarl aliqua llevame al sircoo. De la pradera ullamco qué dise usteer está la cosa muy malar.
Lorem fistrum por la gloria de mi madre esse jarl aliqua llevame al sircoo. De la pradera ullamco qué dise usteer está la cosa muy malar.
Lorem fistrum por la gloria de mi madre esse jarl aliqua llevame al sircoo. De la pradera ullamco qué dise usteer está la cosa muy malar.

Additional Services

Apart from Adult Psychological Therapy, we have other options that can meet your needs.